Husband Reward System? Thanks, but No Thanks

Note: This post, written by your main biddie, originally appears on YourTango. Click the link at the bottom to read the rest!

You'll help with the vacuuming, and you'll like it. Via Miika Niemela/FLICKR

Ladies, when you’ve finished cooking dinner, washing the dishes, folding the laundry and sweeping the floors, what kind of reward do you receive from your husband? A kiss? A foot massage? A week-long getaway with your girlfriends?

Wait, you don’t receive any of those things? That’s what we thought. But, despite the fact that women do the housework with no promise of praise upon completion, an Australian news host has proposed an incentive program to encourage men to chip in around the house.

Here’s how the anchor, Karl Stefanovic, describes it:

“Why not have a scheme with your husband that’s not unlike a… frequent flier scheme. Let’s say the husband did the vacuuming, the dish washing, he cleaned the gutters, and got a lot of points that went towards a week in Thailand with his mates. Or something more simple like an afternoon at the pub on a Saturday. Something like that where you encourage and don’t expect something for nothing.”

It’s unclear whether or not Stefanovic was joking, but his female co-host fires back with an excellent point: Why do men need a Husband Rewards Program? READ THE REST ON YOURTANGO.

Then read this related Biddie Beat post: Do the Dishes, then Do the Deed.