Texting Leads to Touching, And Other Technology News

Obviously "jenga" is code for "let's have sex." Image via ProudCanadiaEh/FLICKR

Want to set your new relationship on the fast-track to sexy time?

Get on Facebook. And Twitter.

Why? It’s called “digital intimacy,” and it’s a term that 38 percent of women use as an excuse to justify sleeping with a man early in a relationship.

Texting counts towards this new-age intimacy, too. Researchers say that texting is “titillating” and gives a couple the impression that they’ve actually been together longer, thus making them feel it’s ok to rush to sex.

So, even if you’ve only been out with a guy twice, the constant contact social networking and texting makes you feel like it’s been many more.

While it’s a novel enough concept (and one that could be used to your advantage, biddies…) we’re not OK with the negative connotation this study is putting on sex. The year is 2011, and “waiting” is about as normal as wearing a thong on the outside of your pants. Who says that there is an appropriate number of dates in which I should abstain from intercourse? If I wear my thong outside of my jeans, and I trying to make a statement, or am I just trying to imitate Britney Spears? And really, who cares?

The other issue this brings up is that technology has absolutely taken away our ability to interact face-to-face and has made us batshit-crazy and obsessive. Other scary details of the study include:

  • Women text 150 percent more than they call, men 39 percent more
  • 70 percent of women and 63 percent of men Google their date
  • 65 percent of people have been asked out via text
  • 49 percent have been asked out via Facebook message
  • 72 percent of women scour their their current partner’s ex-girlfriend’s Facebook page

The moral of the story is: sex good, stalking bad. Go forth and fornicate, just remember to call the next day.