Can’t Buy Me Love… But You Can Buy Me Dinner

Note: This post, written by your main biddie, originally appears on YourTango. Click the link at the bottom to read the rest!

Image via Soyculto/FLICKR

Back in the day, the biggest financial question when it came to dating dealt with whether or not to go dutch. Should the man foot the bill? Should the woman at least offer to pay the tip? The answers usually depended on personal preference and length of relationship, and for the most part, didn’t really impact the outcome of the evening.

But the times are a changing, and a new survey by shows that singles have certain expectations of the monetary cost of dating in America. The results—which go beyond the standard cost-of-dinner question and into personal finance questions and personal spending habits—are somewhat surprising.

Dating can be pricey. There are serious, albeit expected, differences in how much men and women are spending on dates. More than half of men spend more than $50 on a date, while women are three times more likely to spend less than $25. Instead of spending on the actual date, women shell out their cash in preparation. Sixty-five percent spend $50 or more on pre-date grooming and new outfits.

Debt is a no-no. Between men and women, 57 percent say debt has an impact on how they view potential romantic partners, seemingly in a negative way. So how much is too much?….. READ THE REST AT YOURTANGO.

Deep Voice Leads to Deep Trouble?

via craigCloutier/FLICKR

I don’t know about you, but I’m not that turned on by a deep male voice.

Maybe it’s because when I think of a nice, deep, rich male voice, I think of certain pop culture figures — Darth Vader, Lance Bass — that I would never find myself itching to seduce.

But apparently, women are incredibly attracted to the seemingly silky sounds of a man with a nice bass vocal range. Unfortunately, this doesn’t bode well for biddies, because despite our increased attraction, we also deem these men most likely to cheat.

A study led by Canadian researchers asked college-aged men and women to rate to assess audio clips of male and female voices reading vowel sounds. Participants were asked many questions in regards to the voices, including, “Which person do you think is more likely to cheat on their partner?” and “Which person is more attractive?”

Men and women agreed that females with higher-pitched voices were more attractive and more likely to cheat. However, differing from their male counterparts, ladies found lower-pitched guy voices to be sexier, but also more likely to cheat.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that these men and women are actually guilty of infidelity, but it’s interesting to consider that if you’re a woman, and you’re attracted to a man’s voice, his sexy vocals could also lead to your lack of trust.

Or, to put it bluntly, the more attractive a girlfriend believes her boyfriend to be, the more likely she believes he is to cheat. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, but I guess we can chalk it all up to insecurity.

That’s something to work on, biddies. A deep voice does not a cheater make. Rather, a certain level of douchiness, completely unrelated to vocal pitch, drives a guy to cheat. But you should be able to determine that, even if his voice is dreamy.

Source: Evolutionary Psychology, via USAToday

British Men Attempt to Make PMS Bracelet a Reality

Via Mike Licht,

Remember mood rings?

Made famous by young Vada in My Girl (and, tragically, Thomas J. Oh, Thomas J!) these mystical rings cost fifty cents at grocery stores, bowling alleys and shopping malls worldwide (right next to the twenty-five cent candy machines) . According to the gods of all things plastic and gimmicky, the color of the “stone” on the ring changed according to the wearers mood. It all had to do with body temperature, and it was all basically a load of crap.

Now, years after the mood ring fad has passed, a new man-centric spin on the fad is in the works: A PMS bracelet.

Apparently, it will be designed to change colour when a woman is suffering from pre-menstrual tension. It works by monitoring subtle changes in a woman’s body temperature during her monthly cycle.

It’s being called ‘Help for Husbands.’ Excuse me while I go vomit.

Although not currently in production, the concept is a finalist in an idea competition overseas.

The man behind the idea says it will be a visual aid, allowing men to be more sensitive to a woman’s time of the month.

Well, mister helpful husband, despite you proclaiming false intentions – we all know you just want a warning system that says steer clear – we’ve got to sympathize with how incredibly dimwitted you are. Why are you dumb? Because you actually think a woman would wear this.

No female in her right mind is going to walk around in a bracelet that basically proclaims, “BEWARE! BEWARE! I’M OVULATING! I MIGHT BITE YOUR HEAD OFF! STEP AWAY FROM BIG, BAD, PMS!” And, if you ever approached a girlfriend, lover or wife requesting she wear one of these ‘Husband Helper’ bracelets, she would bite your head off. PMS or not.

Source: The Daily Mail UK