The Future of Sex Isn’t All That Promising

So, in the future, sex will be like a video game? Great. As if he isn't playing enough 'Halo' already. Image via dpape/FLICKR

If you’re like me, you’re pretty pissed that we aren’t traveling around in flying cars—or at least teleporting from point A to point B—now that it’s 2011.

But I apparently shouldn’t be too disappointed in the lack of technological advancement for two reasons. One, it keeps the Marty McFlys of the world at bay. And two, some seriously sexy stuff is only 19 years away. Because in the year 2030, remote virtual love making will exist.

In layman’s terms: LONG-DISTANCE SEXY TIME.

The prediction was made by an engineer and “futurologist” hired by Travelodge. He explains virtual sex as a way for partner’s to connect while away from home. Granted you’ll need to stay in a hotel, which doesn’t offer much of a solution to couples who are too-far-for-sex on a permanent basis, but at least it’s a start, right? I mean, virtual reality sex. It’s got to provide some benefit, correct? Something better than masturbation? Unless, of course, it’s all just an illusion to create a sense of intimacy even when thousands of miles separate you, in which case why not just choke your chicken while staring at a picture of your significant other? But, I digress…

The only apparent downside (aside from all of those listed above) is the ‘special accommodations’ that that can be applied to each romp in the virtual sack. Fancy glasses can be worn by the hotel-stayer to change the appearance of his/her partner. And the person on the other end will have no idea.

So, you want to put your cyber P into my virtual-reality V, but you’re going to morph my face, ass and tits in the process? No bueno, future lover. No bueno.

Unless, of course, I can turn you into a mixture of Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal while I’m on a business trip in 2030. In which case, beware—I may never come home.

Source: The “Futurologists” at Travelodge, via The Telegraph

What Burns More Than a Facebook Defriend?

If you’re like me, then you’ve wished – on more than one occasion — that you had the power to “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” an ex-boyfriend from your life. (For those of you lacking in pop culture knowledge, that means erasing him from your memory completely).

“Luckily”, a new website helps us reach that goal by eliminating our respective exes from social networks. allows users to download software that prohibits you from opening your ex’s Facebook, Twitter and blog on your computer, along with blocking his name from appearing in your search results.

And, for the biddie with more than one crack in her broken heart, the software will let you block multiple former flames.

My only problem with is that it assumes the biddie is doing a heavy amount of stalking post-breakup. I don’t think it’s unhealthy to check up on an ex-boyfriend and in some cases, you’re probably more concerned about blocking his ability to connect with you. Luckily most social networks have great privacy feature for blocking bogus boyfriends.

No word on how to erase him from your brain, though.

Source: Crushable

Hey Dude, That iPad Won’t Score You Any Chicks

via Tsubaki Kaworu/FLICKR

My worst fear is that soon enough, I’ll be writing a Biddie Encounter post about a guy who attempts to woo me, but can’t keep his hands off of his damn cell phone for the duration of the date. That time has yet to come, but as I fear it soon approaches, I’d like to throw this study out there for all of my potential suitors.

Your iPad doesn’t make you cool.

Retrevo asked the following question: Are you more likely to be interested in, or attracted to, a person who is doing one of the following?

  • While 50 percent of men said using a cool phone makes a female attractive, only 36 percent of women said the same for dudes
  • When it comes to reading a book, 42 percent of men are attracted to female bookworms. Only 30 percent of women said the same for men. Perhaps that’s because every time you ask a guy what his favorite book is, he replies, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell”
  • A mere 36 percent of men are attracted to female iPad users, while an even lower number of women — 29 percent — thought men with the newest apple gadgets were sexy
  • Sadly, you hipster artsy types were hit the hardest. While 35 percent of men found females drawing or painting to be attractive, only 28 percent of women could say the same

If nothing else, this gives me an excuse for the serious lack of play I’ve been getting lately — I can blame it all on my ancient brick of a Verizon phone. Thank goodness.

And, on that note, I’d like to tell all future suitors that we don’t care what kind of phone you have, or how often you play Angry Birds on your iPad while sipping on a frothy concoction at Starbucks. So put the phone and/or tablet down and have a real conversation with us. You don’t want to end up as the next addition to our Encounters feature…

Source: Retrevo